Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Strangely In Seattle

As I'm writing this I'm still thinking of what the title's gonna be. Hopefully by the time I'm done I'll have come up with something witty.

Anyway, God forbid my life should go on for too long without something rediculous happening.

This is just the latest installment.

I would just like to include for the record the real phone conversation that happened today at work...

::ring ring::

Me: Hello, Envy Stylists!
Man: Hi there! Is the owner of the business around?
Me: No, she's not in right now. Can I take a message?
Man: No, that's ok, but you sound kinda hot.
Me: .... um... excuse me?
Man: Im sorry, is that ok that I said that?
Me: Is this a joke?
Man: No...
Me: What company are you from again??
Man: ___________ (I dont remember what it was)
Me: Ok, and do you always talk to your male clientele like this?
Man: No. You're one of the first people I talked to today. What's your name?
Me: John and for some reason I don't believe you. What is your name?
Man: Jake. Why not?
Me: I dunno. Maybe because you lie for a living. You're a telemarketer. You don't even know if I'm gay.
Jake: Well I figured you were...are you?
Me: That's a pretty rough assumption but yes, I am.
Jake: Well then I'm pretty lucky.
Me: You don't know that. I could be crazy. Or for that matter, how do I know that you're not watching me from somewhere in the parking lot with a machete and binoculars?
Jake: ::laughs:: Well, I'm not. I'm in Seattle.
Me: Mmmmhmmm.
Jake: So what do you look like?
Me: I can't see how that matters really
Jake: Well, I wanna know what my possible future ex-husband may look like
Me: I'm about 6'2", brown hair, blue eyes. Fair skinned. About 220 lbs.
Jake: Nice.
Me: But you don't know that either. I could be 500 lbs and have green warts all over my nose
Jake: That's good because that's what I'm into!
Me: Well then aren't you glad you woke up today!?
Jake: Very! Can I get your number?
Me: Are you serious with this?
Jake: Yes!
Me: This is the strangest thing ever and aren't your phone calls monitored for quality control or something?
Jake: Not really.
Me: Hm...Still sounds kinda odd...

Now, don't ask me why but I was definitely intrigued so I gave him my number and he gave me his.

I tell him that I have to go but that this made for an interesting morning.

20 minutes later my cell phone rings and it's his number.

Me: Are you kidding me with this?
Jake: What??
Me: I can't believe you actually called me...
Jake: I'm on my lunch break. I wanted to see if you gave me a fake number...
Me: Well now you know. I'm at work though so I have to run...I'll ttyl...

Then a thought hits me

::via text messaging::
Me: Do you have text messaging/camera phone?
Jake: Yep! Do u?

He attatched a pic to it. Not bad looking!!

Me: Hm.

I send mine.

Jake: Whoa! You are quite the hottie! I will definitely be calling you back!

By this point, I don't really know what to make of it but I'm going with it anyway. Possibly because I know I'll get some good blogging miles out of it lol, but either way, going with it all the same...

I was surprised when he called me after he got out of work. There's a 3 hour time difference between us. He's behind 3 hours.

So he calls while I'm closing my register and I tell him I'll call him when I leave.

And the thing is, I did! I don't know why, but I did...

We spoke as I drove from work to my friend Damian's house and it was kinda odd. Conversation just flowed. He's 26. Lives in a huge 9 bedroom house with some roomies among other things we talked about and it was odd...Maybe not odd, but peculiar.

Either way, I told him I would call him later and I'm sure I will. If only for something interesting...and you know I'm a people person lol...

Only to me! I swear! These things only happen to me!

Till Then,
John Michael


Blogger ryan charisma said...


a telemarketer with no boundries.

but he's right - you are cute.

2:30 PM  

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