Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Itchy & Scratchy Show: Starring John Michael

Life has a funny way of f**king with you...Always when things are going good though, there's a little dip where you just look at the sky and say "What the f**k?? Are you NOT listening??"

About a month ago I went to the doctor because I had athlete's foot and I wanted to get rid of it badly. If you know me, you know that feet, already, are not my favorite part of the human body so this HAD to go!

I was given some cream and told to put it on twice a day. Great!

A month later, it didn't seem to be working. In fact, it was getting worse and spreading.


::itch itch::

So now about 4 days ago I went back to the Dr to see what was going on and I was told I have Eczyma.

Isn't that lovely?? Yeah. So basically, I wanna rip all my skin off. Then I find out that Eczyma is basically stress that's manifesting itself (lucky me!) as a skin disease. That means, essentially, that I'll have it forever lol...

I have two cream's that I'm putting on. One for my feet and one for everywhere else. My feet have cleared up, thank god, but the everywhere else bit is still taking it's time.


Then on top of everything, I have in a run-in online with an ex-friend and after a heated "discussion", I leave to go to the gym (running is very theraputic) and I get outside and there are TWO parking tickets on my car!! I left my car there for 5 MINUTES!


It gets easier, I know it Deep, calming breaths...

Till Then,
John Michael

"All this scratching's making me itch..."
- Kylie Minogue "Cowboye Style"


Blogger CawfeeGuy said...

you will not have it forever, mary. calm down. as soon as you relax and externally express your stress (i reccomend Zsa-Zsa-ing a Verizon employee) your skin should clear up.

9:07 AM  

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