Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Human Race...and why are we always running? Pt. 1

This is just going to be an early morning (morning for me anyway) ramble about some things.

I've touched on the fact that, yes, I'm getting older and the things that matter to me now are different than the club kid days of yore. Naturally, Peter Pan HAS to grow up sometime, although don't get me wrong, I keep that kid inside of me as active as ever. I still question everything and I always yearn to know more. When you stop learning, why even keep living?

But now I'm seeing things in this more 'mature' light too I suppose. The people around me aren't exempt at getting older and while having conversations with them I can see how most of us are hitting the mark at the same time. Which makes me wonder...

Now, I read a quote once that I loved: "Be kinder than necessary. Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." - Anonymous

And it's true. Mama always said "You get more bee's with honey than you do with vinegar" and she's right. I don't understand alot of things and I try, really I do.

I don't understand this attitude we've all managed to prescribe to where we fly off the handle about the smallest things. Whatever happened to calm, logic?

Example: My cell phone wasn't working. After 2 years, there was natural wear and tear and I brought it in to Verizon to get it fixed. Since the phone is so old, and they don't make it anymore, they gave me a re-furbished phone. No problem. Technology like cell phone's, iPod's and the like don't really impress me and I don't need my cell phone to tell me the weather, the news or give me stock quotes, play MP3's or stuff like that. I just don't see the need in it. Besides, you know that within a month or so, they're going to come out with something that's bigger and better anyway.

All that aside, the refurbished phone started acting up within a month. Shutting off when it wants to, the battery didn't keep the charge, losing service, the whole nine.

So I knew I had to go back to Verizon and lord knows there were many a times when I'd be in the middle of a LONG text message and my phone would freeze that I wanted to throw the phone through the nearest wall!

Everyone's first reaction? Go to Verizon and cause a scene! Yell, stomp and basically throw a temper tantrum until I get what I want.

And then people wonder why things are the way they are.

It's not the workers fault that my electronic device isn't working. Why would I take it out on them? I wouldn't want someone to do that to me!

Have we all forgotten the Golden Rule?

I can't help but worry about where the simple rules of manners are going to as time goes on.

In a world where the slightest problem in one's life lead's to years of medication and everything is getting smaller, more convenient and we cut corners all the time, where are we running to??

Like Ellen said "I wouldn't mind hearing a few more 'please and thank you's'."

It's so true. I was brought up in a house by two parents who by most people standards would be considered to be goody-goody's. They don't curse (rarely), they don't drink and they don't smoke. My mother wakes up everyday as happy as a kid on Christmas (and without coffee!!) and while yes, I don't always feel that same (I need my caffeine), when I do start to get going, I get it.

We are so lucky to be on this earth and have the opportunities we have that we take for granted on a daily basis. The things we seem to complain about all the time just never seem serious enough to me.

There have been times where I've gotten myself into situations that have just downright sucked. The first one that comes to mind is how many times I've gotten my car towed in NYC. I feel like I should send them a fruit basket during the holidays. And everytime it happens, my first reaction is to figure it out without having to tell my father. I know that he'll flip and not without good reason. It's expensive and when all is said and done it's his car that gets locked up.

But the last time he said to me "As long as I know you're ok, everything else we can handle later. We're a family and that's what families do. They look out for each other."

I know how lucky I am. I really do. They're amazing.

Sometimes though, it feels disconcerting to see the world around me rushing and running and assuming and assimilating to a place where manners and being polite are cliche'.

We place so much importance on money and material things we really do miss what's under our noses 90% of the time. That's why they say "Take time to stop and smell the roses". Things like that appeal to our most natural of senses and we need that from time to time.

I leave you with this...

"The Things Im Saying"
Henree feat Nikka

Hear me out now
The things Im saying are truly what I feel
Cause I had my own troubled times that made it look so real
People hurt me and tried to smash each one of my beliefs
But I'm strong again and raise my hand
So come on follow me

Come together
We'll make it better
We should never ever go astray
Communication, comprehension and affection is the only way
Let's unite now and show them how happiness is here

No more sorrow
No Need to borrow other identities
Cause I trust my inner self
Theres no room for shame
So just watch me following my beliefs
And you should do the same

Come together

We'll make it better
We should never ever go astray
Communication, comprehension and affection is the only way
Let's unite now and show them how happiness is here...

Reach out and touch someone today. Do what you can to really enjoy the human experience. We all need one another sometime. Start now.

Till Then,
John Michael

"Evolution creates a revolution and finally, I'm home."
- Henree feat Nikka "Revolution"


Blogger CawfeeGuy said...

yeah but really: when you're phone isn't working and you're paying at LEAST $100 for your bill every month (and i KNOW you are) sometimes you wanna kick the snotty rock-with-lips at the "service desk" telling you they have NO idea why your phone only speaks French.

11:18 AM  
Blogger DJ John Michael said...

But the thing to realize is that when you do come at them like that, you automatically get grouped into the long list of people that have approached them like that long before you did. So you haven't made ANYone's day better and in the end, is it really worth it?

8:34 PM  
Blogger CawfeeGuy said...

it's not my responsibility to make THEIR day better, their poor service (and terrible CUSTOMER service) has thrown MY day into a tailspin; add to that the wait time to actually TALK to someone. if they don't like it there are plenty of jobs where people RARELY complain about pitiful service:
2)Courtney Love's stylist
3)Queen of England

4:43 AM  
Blogger DJ John Michael said...

Jaded, table of one. Jaded, table of one!

6:39 AM  

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