Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm movin on up (to the Eltingville side)! (Part 2)

The painting is coming out great!! The baby blue walls are done and I started to do the darker blue. Today when I go there after work I'm gonna snap some photos...I keep forgetting to do it...

I love just being IN the room... Sitting there, staring at these four blank walls, it just feels like a clean start and that's what I think I need for 2007. It's something to look forward to and I haven't had that in a long time either.

True, I have basically no life right now. I couldn't even tell you the last time I really went out, but this is nice for now. I belong in this house. I know this...

Try to follow me here with an open mind.

Ever since I can remember, I've always had these odd dreams. They're never about anything life changing, per se', but in my dreams I'll see a situation; Usually in a place I don't know and surrounded by people I've never met, but nonetheless in my dream I know them.

Then, usually years and years later I find myself IN those situations. Some call is deja vu, but it's different. It's not just a feeling for me. I KNOW that I've seen it before.

And when it happens, it all clicks in my head and I watch the next few minutes pan out just like in my dream and then it's over. When it's over though I have goosebumps all over my body and I have a crazy amount of adrenaline going through my body.

It happened again yesterday.

I was in my room listening to music and taping the walls before I started painting and I had my beer sitting on the floor of the room. I was walking backwards and staring at the wall to see how it looked and I kicked my beer by accident and it spilled all over.

Here's where it clicked. So vividly I got down and started wiping it up and put the bottle on my window ledge. I saw it all happening in my mind second before I was doing it WHILE I was doing it. Like a movie inside a movie. It's hard to put into words and I wouldn't even know what to call it, but at that moment, when I realized that I've seen this place in my mind, I knew that I was meant to be there.

Corny as it sounds, it gave me a sense of hope because I knew that this was the right direction my life was going in. Just "as according to plan" I guess.

It got me thinking and I took a ride down to the Alba House on Victory Blvd. Do you know it? It's great. There's a shrine on the side where you can go and collect your thoughts, pray, or do whatever it is you wanna do.

The basis of it is in Catholicism I suppose, noted by Mary and all the Saints but I just found something kinda pan-spiritual about it. It's amazing how in such a quiet setting you can really hear all the thoughts going through your mind.

A moment of tranquility is needed now and then.

Unfortunately I have to go to work now so my moment of tranquility is over lol, but there will be more about this!

Till Then,
John Michael


Blogger ryan charisma said...

So here is the trick question:

When is the housewarming party?

Can the theme be jockstraps & vodka?

9:23 AM  
Blogger DJ John Michael said...

As long as you bring vodka, you can wear any type of support you'd like...but it must be inspected personally!

10:06 AM  

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